There are two major problems with the ending to Chosen Prey. Disappointment is magnified because enhanced expectations are not met. What happens when you don’t carry it all the way through to the conclusion of the book? What happens when the last fifty pages read as if they’d been plotted by someone else? Those superior skills turn against you. There is one drawback to being a master of your craft, of having the ability to create fascinating characters and situations, and build suspense, and make the routine seem interesting. The ending ends on a sad and hopeful note for the future of Lucas. Sandfford leads you through the plot and the myriad of characters and keeps his eye on the endgame. The writing was much crispier in this one. I held off though because the last book was a pile of mess and I had to give this 5 stars by default.

I am going to admit, I was tempted to give this four stars because it was pretty obvious what was going to happen with Terry. We get introduced to a new character in this one, Terry Marshall, who has a connection to the case.

We have no idea how depraved he is until you start to realize how long he has been doing what he has. He stalks woman, takes, their pictures, and draws them in crude pornographic poses. Marcy is still recovering from her injuries after the last book, and even gets a better love interest in this one. We have our usual suspects of Marcy, Del, Sloan, and others. He's not stupid, and though you end up loathing some of his choices in order to punish the bad people who he comes across, you sometimes end up rooting for him. I think that Lucas works as a character for his determination to catch the bad guys. Thank God that character doesn't pop up again.

There are still jokes about him and Weather, and I do like that Weather acknowledges Lucas's past partners and the only one she's not here for is Lucas's old friend. I do have to laugh at Lucas once again being smoothed out a little so he's not acting like a psycho around every attractive female he meets. Readers find out pretty fast who the killer is, so you may end up frustrated with Lucas and company for not moving faster on James Qatar (his name is in the synopsis).
Lucas in this one seems to be a step behind a serial killer. If that's enough, it appears a murder is leading Lucas and his team to investigate what it appears to be another serial killer on the loose in Minnesota. The chief who he has been working for is not likely to get re-appointed, which means Lucas is going to have to go too. Lucas is dealing with a shake up though professionally. Still ambivalent about what things mean, the two are back together, stronger than before. "- Booklist "One of the most horrible villains this side of Hannibal." -Richmond Times-Dispatch "Ice-pick chills.excruciatingly tense.a double-pumped roundhouse of a thriller.We get to see who Lucas chose after the mess of the last Prey book (spoiler: Weather) and how they are dealing with each other months later. Petersburg Times "Just right for fans of The Silence of the Lambs. You'll love it." - Lancaster Intelligencier Journal "New twists and surprises." - The Charleston Post and Courier "A high point in the Prey series."- Publishers Weekly "Solid entertainment."- Booklist, Praise for John Sandford's Prey Novels "Relentlessly swift.genuinely suspenseful.excellent."- Los Angeles Times "Sandford is a writer in control of his craft."- Chicago Sun-Times " works."- USA Today "Grip-you-by-the-throat thrills.a hell of a ride."- Houston Chronicle "Crackling, page-turning eat scary fun."- The New York Daily News "Enough pulse-pounding, page-turning excitement to keep you up way past bedtime." -Minneapolis Star Tribune "One of the most engaging characters in contemporary fiction."- Detroit News "Positively chilling."- St. Praise for Chosen Prey " Chosen Prey is terrific."- USA Today "Brutal, unrelenting action."- The Los Angeles Times "This is one that will keep you awake at night." "A heart-stopping climax." - The Richmond Times-Dispatch "A real rush.